Official Government Website

Training Opportunities

Online Trainings

Office for Civil Rights – Training for Grantees

Center for Victim Research

Confronting School Violence and Victimization – YouTube

Office for Victims of Crime Training & Technical Assistance Center

Training Materials – Office for Victims of Crime Training & Technical Assistance Center

-Understanding Human Trafficking

-New Board Member Orientation for Victim Service Organization

-The Building and Managing Volunteer Programs

-Victim Assistance Roundtable: Strengthening Relationships with Subrecipients

-Poly-victimization in Later Life

-End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI)

EVAWI International
Interviewing Trans Survivors, from the Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Exam Virtual Practicum

The simulation includes a full-length law enforcement interview with Emily, a trans woman who was sexually assaulted by someone she considered a friend. 
With this resource, law enforcement, health care providers, victim advocates, and allied professionals will enhance their ability to: recognize how misgendering a victim can cause harm and describe approaches to genuinely repair the relationship; identify ways a perpetrator can exploit a survivor’s trust to make them more vulnerable; and practice trauma-informed, survivor-centered interview techniques.  

Cops are From Mars, Advocates are From Venus – A Workshop

This month’s featured webinar is presented by a law enforcement professional and victim advocate who believe we are far more effective when we serve our communities together rather than separately in our own “silos.” During this engaging presentation, attendees will be challenged to examine their own biases of fellow public servants, to identify where improvements can be made. Real world examples will be given for collaborative approaches involving law enforcement and victim advocates to work together more cohesively and achieve greater success. Registration is $49. For more information, and to register, click HERE.

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